Marine Corps Says Its Pilots Can Handle Clutch Issue That Has Grounded Air Force Ospreys
Marine Corps Says Its Pilots Can Handle Clutch Issue That Has Grounded Air Force Ospreys
Marine Corps Says Its Pilots Can Handle Clutch Issue That Has Grounded Air Force Ospreys
Japan’s third monkeypox infection appears at Yokota Air Base in Tokyo
Iowa Air National Guard’s 185th Air Refueling Wing gets first female commander
House VA committee forms subcommittee to focus on reproductive health care
Army looks at easing rules for alcohol in barracks to help reduce sexual assaults, suicides
Soldiers at Fort Bragg still living in barracks deemed unsafe as Army leaders search for new housing
National Guard ships recently approved coronavirus vaccine to units
Defense secretary tests positive for coronavirus
Army hasn’t paid reservists housing money a year after a board said it broke the law
Russia Has Suffered Up to 80,000 Military Casualties in Ukraine, Pentagon Says